
Monday, July 17, 2006

Ooh, James Bond

So, I've never been much of a Bond fan. I've never read the books, or participated in that boring conversation people have about who was the best Bond or whatever. I'm sure I must have seen at least ONE of the Bond films, but to be honest, I don't remember it if I did. The only reason I picked up Silverfin was because I've adored the Alex Rider books (the movie of Stormbreaker better be good) and this was in the library. But I loved it. It wasn't as fast-paced (after the gruesome beginning) in the middle as I'd have liked, but I still enjoyed every minute of it. About three quarters of the way into this book, I had to know if James Bond ended up being a spy, because I was so interested. The last few chapters of the book had me on edge, and I can't wait to read the next one!


  1. I might give that a go. Though I'm still freaked out by Stormbreaker being such a big movie, do you remember I actually met that kid playing alex rider a few times. He came into the shop to check on his mum's order of Tom Brown's school days and I didn't recognise him until he pointed out that it was him in the TV series, which is why she wanted 10 copies. I was soo embrassed especially as I'd gone on about how boring the book was oops. Yes I remember silly details...

  2. I've got a proof copy of the second one, but I haven't read the first one yet so it's still unopened!


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