
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Library Loot 3

1. Tales of Earthsea by Ursula Le Guin
2. Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret by Judy Blume
3. Saffy's Angel by Hilary McKay

Just three books from the library this week. I still have The Namesake, Fingersmith and What I Loved out and unread and I thought I needed to balance the more serious, literary titles with some children's books. I heard that Studio Ghibli have done an adaptation of Tales of Earthsea and that gives me a good excuse to read something by Ursula Le Guin. I've always wanted to try out something of hers and now I finally have a good excuse. Not that I really needed one, it just gives me a push in the right direction. The Judy Blume is one I'm sure I've read before, but just to be sure, I picked it up. Plus, Lost has started again and unless I dreamt it (which is possible) I remember Sawyer was reading it at some point. That's reason enough to read a book, isn't it? :) Saffy's Angel, I believe? was recommended to me by Kate (was it you Kate?) and I finally found it in the library.

How about you? Find more Library Looters over at Out of the Blue.


  1. I'm on my way out to the library soon to pick up the first Harry Potter on disk to download onto my ipod - I figured it might be fun to listen to the series this time around!

  2. I'm on my way out to the library soon to pick up the first Harry Potter on disk to download onto my ipod - I figured it might be fun to listen to the series this time around!

  3. I'm on my way out to the library soon to pick up the first Harry Potter on disk to download onto my ipod - I figured it might be fun to listen to the series this time around!

  4. No library books for me this week, as I have been lent so many books by other people, which I need to catch up on. I hope you like Saffy's Angel. I really enjoyed it.

  5. No library books for me this week but hopefully next week when I go pick up some holds.

    I loved "Are You There God..." when I was a child. It was my favorite book.

    Enjoy your loot!

  6. You are right! Sawyer was reading it, which is why I read it last year for the LOST Books Challenge.

  7. I've got too many on my night stand that need reading.. Right now I'm reading The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks. He is one of my favorite authors.

  8. I love the colours of the books you got-they all go so well together! (I'm so superficial sometimes.) My mom's been telling me to try out Ursula LeGuin for years. :)

  9. It was indeed me raving on about Saffy's Angel...

    I really must start going to the library again, I just have to pay off my accumulated fines first!

  10. Yep, Sawyer was definitely reading Are You There..., I remember laughing at the irony of him doing so and my husband didn't get it at all. I also remember reading Forever by Judy Blume, very raunchy for a pre teen book, as I recall.....

  11. Oh I LOVE the library. I go every week! Currently I have:

    Animal Husbandry by Laura Zigman
    All the Sad Young Literary Men by Keith Gessen
    Three Girls and their Brother by Theresa Rebeck

    Happy reading!

  12. Oooh, Tales from Earthsea! I love that book so much :)

  13. Hi Michelle,

    Thanks for coming by bes. Gaiman has a wonderful voice. If you haven't listened to him on audio, do. Haven't made it to his blog yet. Definitely on my to-do list.

  14. Are You There God? is a classic! I still think about that book sometimes.

  15. I loved Judy Blume when I was younger. I should go back and reread her books just to see how I feel about them now. She is an amazing writer!

  16. I've a LeGuin checked out this week, too. The only thing I've read by her before is Catwings--time to rectify the situation!


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