
Sunday, July 05, 2009

Sunday Salon: Favourites so far

I'm currently reading both The Lottery by Beth Goobie and Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult. I very rarely read more than one book at a time, but I'd left the Picoult book downstairs and I had The Lottery on my bedside table! So this is a case of sheer laziness :) I've never read anything by Jodi Picoult and so far, and I'm not sure of Change of Heart yet.

For today, I thought I'd share with you my favourite reads of 2009 so far. I think that this sums me up my reading habits fairly well, as it has two YA titles and a chick-lit book represented alongside some of my all-time favourite authors.

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Everyone's heard of this one already, but I only read it a few weeks ago and I'm still in that stage of mind where I want to talk about it with everyone because I'm so excited about this series.

What I Loved by Siri Hustvedt

Read my review for full gushiness about this book. Have recently tried Sorrows of an American though and couldn't get into it, which I'm hoping was just bad timing, as What I Loved knocked me over.

If I Stay by Gayle Forman

Look for a review of this one coming up soon, possibly followed by a giveaway. I hadn't heard of all the hype surrounding this book before I read it, which is always a good thing, I think

The New York Trilogy by Paul Auster

My favourite author. Ever. (my review)

Fingersmith and Affinity by Sarah Waters

I heart Sarah Waters. After Affinity, she became my favourite new author, even before I read Fingersmith. And then I read Fingersmith and that just cemented it for me. Am now reading Tipping the Velvet slowly. (my review of Fingersmith)

Unsticky by Sarra Manning

I really did love this one. I've read it twice already. And now, I'm just discovering Manning's YA novels, which are so good. I finished Let's Get Lost recently and now have my eye out for Guitar Girl and the Diary of a Crush series. And I hear she's writing more adult novels! Squeeee!

Honourable mentions? American Gods by Neil Gaiman and Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. I am a bit shocked that at least two of the books on my list were published in 2009.

Which books would be on your list so far?


  1. fabulous choices and a few that I haven't read yet, but happen to be in my collection.

  2. I'm planning on reading Affinty soon! I read Tipping the Velvet earlier this year and loved it. :D

  3. I haven't read any of those but I hear nothing but good things about The Hunger Games I have been putting off adding it to my TBR list but I might just give in.

    My favorite so far has been a toss up between Toni Morrison's Beloved and To Kill A Mockingbird but Harper Lee.

  4. Great reads so far this year! Hunger Games was a surprising favorite of mine, too.

  5. I have never read a Paul Auster book - but I think I'm going to have to try one.

    That is a great list!

  6. I definitely agree with you about The Hunger Games - it's one of the best I've read this year as well :) I have American Gods on my TBR list along with Anansi Boys which I think comes after it. I'm glad you've had so many books you've loved this year :)

  7. wow, I haven't read any of these! I'm really surprised...but I will def add some of these to my list!

    Change of Heart was really good - I have really enjoyed almost all of Jodi Picoult's books.

    A book I read last year that really stayed with me was one called "We Have to Talk About Kevin" by Lionel Shriver.

  8. Would you believe I've had this post open all week to comment? I started If I Stay this week but haven't had the chance to read when I know I won't be upset in front of people. I am hooked though.


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