
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Another week...

...Another trip to the library! Sorry about the terrible photos. Bad lighting, bad angles. Oh well. Some interesting looking books though...

First up we have The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver which I snatched up from the New Releases shelf. I try to be dignified about it all, but failed pretty miserably. I got looks. Then we have Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer, which was recently seen on a Friday Finds. I'll give it a try. And also, The Cleft by Doris Lessing. Which I've never heard of before, but I'm still working under the assumption that if I read enough Doris Lessing she will end up being one of my favourite authors. I'll let you know how that goes.

We also have Hocus Pocus by Kurt Vonnegut and Girlfriend in a Coma by Douglas Coupland. I hear a lot of things about Kurt Vonnegut. Lots of people feel very strongly about him, enough to tattoo phrases from his books onto their skin and I find that very intriguing. I was hoping to pick up Slaughterhouse-Five, found Hocus Pocus instead. Also, I finished reading Generation A by Douglas Coupland last week and I wanted to give some of his other books another try. Again, I was searching for a different book (Microserfs) but picked up this one anyway.

Then we have the children's finds. The Black Tattoo by Sam Enthoven, which I mentioned in a Friday Finds post. Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landry which I *think* was mentioned by somebody (?) on Twitter recently, and Evermore by Alyson Noel. Because I think it'll be awful and I want in on that sort of awful.

Anyone read any of these books? Where do I start?


  1. Envious that you have got hold of The Lacuna - not in our library yet!

  2. Great selection! We haven't got The Lacuna in our library yet either - so congratulations on bagging that one!

  3. Looks like a splendid reading pile!

  4. Must say, you blog is looking lovely.

    I picked up Evermore at the airport the other week,but I still need to read it.

    I keep hearing about The Lacuna, so I think I shall investigate.

  5. Wow, they all look great. I haven't read any of them. If it were me, I'd lean toward going with Evermore first! :)

  6. LOL @ your sentence about Doris Lessing. I read The Fifth Child by her awhile ago and wasn't impressed. I haven't read any of the books you got, so I'm no help!

  7. Of all of them I have only read Skulduggery, it's good fun and discussed a bit on the NerdChat. It is not perfectly written or created, but it is alot of fun and has quite a decent plot line so you should enjoy it, though it can be a bit dark for a kids book at times.

  8. I have read the Evermore book. I thought it was okay.. I've read the second in the series as well, and I belive the third one just came out..


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