
Sunday, October 03, 2010

IMM 11

Even though I've been in one of my worst reading slumps ever, I've still been collecting books like crazy! Here's another bunch of books that arrived into my house in the last two weeks. As ever, IMM is hosted by The Story Siren, who is immensely awesome.

Waves by Sharon Dogar
Reckless by Cornelia Funke
The Dead by Charlie Higson
Take A Chance On Me by Jill Mansell
From Where I Stand by Tabitha Suzuma
Zelah Green by Vanessa Curtis

I picked up Waves because I think it will work nicely as a book for a death/bereavement project. I've been looking forward to Reckless for ages! The Dead is the sequel to The Enemy, which I loved. I adore Jill Mansell. I recently read Tabitha Suzuma's Forbidden and was keen to read some of her backlist. And I keep hearing about Zelah Green that I had to pick up this book and see what all the fuss was about!

Ice by Sarah Beth Durst
The Fallen and Leviathan by Thomas Sniegoski
Girl Parts by John Cusick

A big thank you to Keris Stainton for Ice and The Fallen, which both sound very intriguing and to Lynsey of UK Book Tours for Girl Parts! Robots, hmm? Really looking forward to all of them :)

(Also? Not very book related, but along with the books, Keris sent me the most adorable mobile phone charm in the world. It's a cute little Eeyore dressed up as Piglet! Will have to take a photo and post it soon. It's currently on my keychain, but I think I'll be moving it onto my handbag so more people can see it. I'm actually excited about this plan!)

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by JK Rowling
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling
Fever Crumb by Philip Reeve
Dark Life by Kat Falls

And these are from the library. I really want to read Fever Crumb, which I believe is the prequel to Mortal Engines? And Dark Life is a YA dystopic book that I've been wanting to read for ages! The Harry Potters were picked up as an emergency plan to drag me out of this reading rut. I hate not reading, I figure some wizard magic might just do the trick, if nothing else could. And that's it from me this week.

Which books came into your house recently?


  1. I have The Dead but still haven't gotten round to it. So many books to choose from :( Let me know how you like it if you get to it before me :D

  2. Ice is so unusual, I loved it. And I'm planning to read Girl Parts at some point, because *robots*!!!

  3. I read Girl Parts. It was quite good, though not amazing, definitely a worthwhile read, in my opinion. Happy reading! ICE looks good.

  4. awesome books! Harry Potter definately a good choice to break reading slump

  5. Very cool books!!
    I also got quite a number of books, I need to stop buying books!!
    I need to get Dark Life though, it looks amazing!
    Have a lovely week! x

  6. WOW nice mailbox!
    Mansell and The Fallen in one week would make me very very very happy.

    Enjoy the reads and come on over to Aisle B

  7. The Dead, Waves, Dark Life and Ice are all brilliant. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

  8. Sharon Dogar is fantastic, I love Waves! And Girl Parts looks very intriguing!

    Happy reading x

  9. You have some fab books, can't wait to see what you think of Girl Parts as I'm looking forward to that! hope you get out of your slump you know I've just recovered and it's horrible!

  10. Great books this week! I loved Zelah Green, looking forward to your thoughts on From Where I Stand and Girl Parts.

  11. You have some awesome books waiting to be read. I nearly picked Reckless up yesterday, but decided to opt for another book that's been on my radar for a while. Hope you enjoy your books - looking forward to your reviews of them!

  12. Ahh I cant believe I didnt comment yesterday.
    Awesome books as always. Fallen gimme,gimme, gimme. LOL. Hope these get you out of your reading slump :D

  13. Emma - Did I not say before? Reading slump has been conquered, finally! Woohoo!

    thebookfairyhaven - What did you get instead of Reckless? I really like Cornelia Funke and this one sounds really good with the fairy tales and all.

    jessheartsbooks - I'm really looking forward to Zelah Green as I've heard such good things about it. And the other two are really high up on my list of books TBR!

    Rhiana - I'm really looking forward to Girl Parts too! And reading slumps ARE the worst. Phew, really glad it's over.

    Iffath - I'm reading Waves for a project next summer, so probably won't get to it RIGHT AWAY, but very soonish. Glad it comes recommended :)

    Sophie - you've already so many of the books that I get! I don't know how you do it :)

    Aisle B - Thank you, they have made me very happy indeed :)

    Caroline - I need to stop buying books as well! :( But Dark Life was an unexpected find at my library, hurrah!

    kirsty - Harry Potter totally broke my reading slump. Magic, I tell you.

    Cass - good to know! I'm curious to see how I'll find it..

    Lauren - I know, there aren't a lot of robots in YA, is there? And I like the sound of unusual :)

    Lyndsey - I know! SOO many books, where to start? And what to choose next. Always difficult decisions :)


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