
Sunday, March 27, 2011

IMM 25

Hello and welcome to another In My Mailbox, a weekly meme hosted by the ever lovely Kirsti at The Story Siren which showcases the books that have arrived in our grubby hands lately. Here are the books that arrived in my house over the last two weeks. I am very excited! Due to the limitations I've placed on myself (no buying books/no swapping books etc) there have been significantly less books coming into my possession lately. Which is a good thing, as it means more time to read my own books and cut down my TBR pile.

When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead - This remarkable novel holds a fantastic puzzle at its heart.

By sixth grade, Miranda and her best friend, Sal, know how to navigate their New York City neighborhood. They know where it's safe to go, and they know who to avoid. Like the crazy guy on the corner.

But things start to unravel. Sal gets punched by a kid on the street for what seems like no reason, and he shuts Miranda out of his life. The apartment key that Miranda's mom keeps hidden for emergencies is stolen. And then a mysterious note arrives, scrawled on a tiny slip of paper. The notes keep coming, and Miranda slowly realizes that whoever is leaving them knows things no one should know. Each message brings her closer to believing that only she can prevent a tragic death. Until the final note makes her think she's too late.

I've been hearing wonderful things about this one and I can't wait to unravel this mystery. When You Reach Me sounds like absolutely charming book, one I'm really looking forward to reading! (So much for my book-buying ban!!)


Divergent by Veronica Roth - In Beatrice Prior's dystopian Chicago, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue—Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is—she can't have both. So she makes a choice that surprises everyone, including herself.

During the highly competitive initiation that follows, Beatrice renames herself Tris and struggles to determine who her friends really are—and where, exactly, a romance with a sometimes fascinating, sometimes infuriating boy fits into the life she's chosen. But Tris also has a secret, one she's kept hidden from everyone because she's been warned it can mean death. And as she discovers a growing conflict that threatens to unravel her seemingly perfect society, she also learns that her secret might help her save those she loves . . . or it might destroy her.

I've already finished this one! I started reading it on the train into London, nearly missed my stop and then couldn't wait to get back on the train in order to keep going. Finished it under 24 hours as it really just is that addictive. Great stuff, dying for more.


Shadows on the Moon by Zoe Marriott - "On my fourteenth birthday when the sakura was in full bloom, the men came to kill us. We saw them come, Aimi and me. We were excited, because we did not know how to be frightened. We had never seen soldiers before."

Suzume is a shadow-weaver. She can create mantles of darkness and light, walk unseen in the middle of the day, change her face. She can be anyone she wants to be. Except herself.

Suzume died officially the day the Prince's men accused her father of treason. Now even she is no longer sure of her true identity.
Is she the girl of noble birth living under the tyranny of her mother’s new husband, Lord Terayama? A lowly drudge scraping a living in the ashes of Terayama’s kitchens? Or Yue, the most beautiful courtesan in the Moonlit Lands?

Everyone knows Yue is destined to capture the heart of a prince. Only she knows that she is determined to use his power to destroy Terayama.

And nothing will stop her. Not even love.

Doesn't this one look and sound gorgeous? I LOVE fairy tale retellings (so much so that I'm planning a theme-week for it on my blog in the next month or so! Look out for it.) Plus, I've followed Zoe's twitter and blog lately and she is really wonderful. After reading this one, I'm sure to be on the lookout for her other books! Thanks, Walker, for sending this one out for review!


0.4 by Mike Lancaster - It's a brave new world.

'My name is Kyle Straker. And I don't exist anymore.'

So begins the story of Kyle Straker, recorded onto old audiotapes. You might think these tapes are a hoax, but perhaps they contain the history of a past world....If what the tapes say is true, it means that everything we think we know is a lie.

And if everything we know is a lie, does that mean that we are, too?

Oh, you know how much I love dystopias, right? And I've been hearing great things about this one. Incredibly creepy cover aside (which I kind of still love) I'm really looking forward to reading this one. Bring it on! Thanks goes to Egmont for this one!


Forgotten by Cat Patrick - Each night when 16 year-old London Lane goes to sleep, her whole world disappears. In the morning, all that's left is a note telling her about a day she can't remember. The whole scenario doesn't exactly make high school or dating that hot guy whose name she can't seem to recall any easier. But when London starts experiencing disturbing visions she can't make sense of, she realizes it's time to learn a little more about the past she keeps forgetting-before it destroys her future.

Part psychological drama, part romance, and part mystery, this thought-provoking novel will inspire readers to consider the what-if's in their own lives and recognize the power they have to control their destinies.

Holy crap, I've got a copy of Forgotten! I've been gasping to read this one for such a long time! And now it's here! AHHHHH!


And that's it from me. Which books arrived into your house recently? And where do you think I should start?


  1. I want to read all those (except for the one I've already read and loved - tx for the comments :)!!). Great mailbox this week. That 0.4 cover is really creepy.

  2. I've got all of those to read to, apart from Divergent which like you I devoured in one day...very addictive reading! Excited about them all!

  3. these are all amazing - forgotten and O.4 are awesome. I loved divergent as well - fab book!!!

  4. Ooh, what a great haul! I'm especially jealous that you've got DIVERGENT and SHADOWS ON THE MOON - they both look fabulous.

  5. Great books this week. Forgotten sounds really interesting and I've been hearing a lot of great things about Divergent so I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

  6. They look fabulous. I can't wait for Divergent to be released here. I loved 0.4 - hope you do too. The others sound really awesome too. Love the cover of Forgotten!

  7. You got such brilliant books this week.
    Shaddow on the Moon sounds amazing and 0.4 is.
    I can't wait to get Divergent. Seeing it in other people's IMMs is starting to make me really jealous.
    Enjoy your new books (:

  8. I can't wait to read Divergent too. I love the sound of 0.4 too.

  9. Ooh, Divergent looks awesome! Hope you enjoy it!

    And I got a copy of Forgotten too, I'm SO excited to read it!!! ;)

  10. I've heard terrific comments about WHEN YOU REACH ME, I must add it to my list!

  11. Shadows On The Moon sounds fab and I love fairy tale retellings too :) Happy Reading :D

  12. I'm reading Divergent at the moment - ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!! Definitely a new favourite for me!
    Some awesome looking books there - Enjoy them all x

  13. Some Awesome books here! I cant wait to see what you think of Divergent, heard some really good things.
    I'm really jealous of everyone who has a copy of Forgotten! It sounds amazing, I cant wait for it! x

  14. 0.4 is one book I would love to read - it does look so creepy! Great mailbox this week :)

  15. How good was Divergent? When I finished it, I just wanted to read it all over again. Wrote my review so fast, that's how much I loved it. And 0.4 looks really good - creepy cover, but I like it! Happy reading :).

  16. Thank you all for your lovely comments! Blogger just ate all my individual responses :(


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