
Sunday, June 03, 2012

Books by British authors that I'd like to read

Anne Cassidy - I recently read Anne's latest offering, Dead Time, which is the first in a new series called The Murder Notebooks but I think I also read recently that Anne Cassidy has published something like 30 novels? Is that true?  I thought Dead Time was excellent and I shall certainly be looking out for more of her books, possibly starting with Looking For JJ.

Celia Rees - I've always been a little bit wary of historical novels.  Something about them always makes me a little nervous, I'm not sure why.  So far, I've read two books by Rees: This Is Not Forgiveness, her first contemporary YA and also The Fool's Girl, which was interesting.  I've heard really good things about her other books and think I shall be picking up Witch Child first to try.

Melvin Burgess - I've only read one book by Melvin Burgess, Kill All Enemies, and I absolutely loved it.  I still can't believe I've not read any of his others yet, like Junk or Losing It.  (I'd still like to read Junk for a possible themed week on addiction, is there any interest in that?) When I asked on Twitter ages ago of the books by British authors I really needed to read, Junk, was a title that kept cropping up, which I think is saying something.

Bali Rai - Bali Rai has a new book coming out soon about ... demons, I believe. But when I heard about Fire City, it was mentioned several times how very different it is to his previous books.  I was curious about them, and I can see why the distinction is being made - his previous books are contemporary and seem to deal with issues of race.  I've since picked up Rani and Sukh because I like the idea of an Indian Romeo and Juliet, but I'm also really interested in reading Killing Honour and (Un)Arranged Marriage.

Cathy Hopkins - I recently found the first three books in the Million Dollar Mates series for £4 and I'm hugely excited to read a new author.  Cathy Hopkins just seems like an author I would enjoy reading once I've picked up some of her books.  They look fun and girly and I'm excited!

Kay Woodward - I've always been pretty curious about when authors take inspiration from other stories to create new ones.  And I do really love the sound of both Jane Airhead and Wuthering Hearts.  I just haven't been able to properly locate either book, but once I do, I'll be all over that! I think it was Kay's contribution on Girls Heart Books that really made me take notice.  I really do adore that site.

Siobhan Dowd - Until recently, I was very confused about the nationality of Siobhan Dowd.  I always thought she was Irish, but I saw her listed on the UKYA website (which I love and recommend to you all!) so I figure she counts.  I can't even begin to list all of the incredible things I've heard about this lady and all of her books are currently on my wishlist.  I recently found A Pure Swift Cry in a library sale and couldn't buy it quick enough!  I'm sure Siobhan Dowd will not remain on this list for long as I'm planning to hunt down all of her books and then savour them.  Hopefully.

Diana Wynne Jones - And then we come to my final author on the list.  And I can honestly say I have no idea where to start.  I've only read Howl's Moving Castle but I thought that was perfection and I want to read more, but which one?  She's written loads and I almost feel intimidated which is just plain silly, really.  Maybe you could you suggest something?

There we have it!  My list of books by British authors that I'd like to read and haven't quite gotten around to... Which authors would make your list?


  1. I'm nearly done with Kill All Enemies. On the whole, I like it, but there's a lot going on there. So much more UKYA I want to read, more Melvin Burgess, more Siobhan Dowd...the list goes on. I can't wait to see what you've got lined up!

    1. Thanks Anna! I think there's so many wonderful authors to read that sometimes I don't even know where to start. Definitely know that I must read Siobhan Dowd sooner rather than later.

  2. Siobhan Dowd's books are amazing- you have to read them!
    There are a few new British authors on my TBR list that I need to read- Ruth Warburton, James Dawson.
    I'm currently hosting a giveaway of fabulous British authors on my blog- Jubilee Giveaway

    1. Oh new authors would have made the list only I read James Dawson and Ruth Warburton's books over the last few weeks!

  3. I read Looking for JJ *a long* time ago. I remember really enjoying it! I also want to read Witch Child as I picked it up as a young teen but never finished it.

    1. I think I remember picking up Looking For JJ years ago (after it won some award maybe?) and never finished it because of schoolwork. I hope I enjoy it after all these years and that you enjoy Witch Child :)

  4. Ruth Warburton's books are on my wishlist!

    Clover, that's a great list. I've read most of the books you mentioned and there are some wonderful reads there. Diana Wynne Jones' books are amazing - Charmed Life blew me away when I first read it at the age of 9.

    1. Ruth's second book is really high on my wishlist at the moment :) And I'm glad you've enjoyed most of these books. I'll admit, since posting this, I've already one of them! I'm keen!

  5. You really have to get round to Looking for JJ soon Michelle, its amazing!! :D

  6. I would say that after Howl's Moving Castle, my next favourite DWJ book is A Tale of Time City. So try that one. Then there's always Charmed Life (and all the other Chrestomanci books), Archer's Goon, The Ogre Downstairs, Eight Days of Luke...

    Oh, and don't forget she wrote some adult fiction too. One of her teen books The Merlin Conspiracy, is a sort-of-sequel to Deep Secret, one of her adult ones.

    1. Thank you so much for this Kate! I will look out for A Tale of Time City when I'm in the library soon. And actually I had no idea that she wrote adult fiction at all..

  7. Anne Cassidy and Siobhan Dowd are fantastic. You really must get some of their books! Cathy Hopkins is another favourite of mine, when I started high school, Hopkins' Mates, Dates series was pretty much all I read!

    1. Since writing this post I've already finished A Swift Pure Cry by Siobhan Dowd and oh my god, I need to read everything by her NOW. I've also read Million Dollar Mates, which was fantastic!


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