
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Alex from Alex's Bookish Blog (Celebrating British Bloggers)

Hello and welcome to another week of Celebrating British Bloggers! Today I have the great pleasure of introducing you to Alex from Alex's Bookish Blog! Hers is a blog I've only recently discovered, and I do so very much enjoy finding actual teenagers blogging! I hope that you all head over to Alex's blog and follow.  And give her a good welcome in the comments, she hasn't been doing this long!

Other ways to connect with Alex:

First, can you tell me something about yourself and your blog?

I'm so boring when it comes to stuff like this! About me? I speak 2 other languages (that sounds like I am bragging! :/) my blog: I only started it a month ago thanks to a Zoe from Bookhi Blog (another UK Blogger) for pushing me to do it! :)

How did you begin being a book blogger?

A friend recommended I started one. I all ready had a blogger account because I liked to comment on reviews and other things. It was the summer holidays so I thought, What the heck! :)

When you're not reading or blogging, what do you do with yourself?

Like I said boring! :P I am either studying for my next psychology exam, at the cinema with friends or volunteering for a mental health charity. I also like playing with my Jack Russell's (dogs): Jack Bonnie and Bernie :)

What was the first book you reviewed on your blog?

The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson :)

What has been the best experience of being a book blogger so far?

Apart from meeting amazing bookish people, it has to be chatting with authors. they are genuinely like my rock stars!

You can do it, what is your absolute favorite book?

D: So difficult! Stand Alone: You against Me by Jenny Downham. I am a few pages into The Fault In Our Stars by John Green, that may become my new favorite! 
Series: Morganville Vampires by Rachel Caine :)

If you could be best friends with any fictional character, who would you choose?

Jem from the Mortal Instruments because he is just cool or Hector Delos from the Starcrossed trilogy by Josephine Angelini, he is sexy and has loads of wisdom :)

Name your top 5 UK book bloggers!

Zoe from Bookhi Blog 

Rinn from Rinn Reads 

Dani from Pen to Paper

Steph from Steph Likes Books

If you could meet your favourite author, who would you like to meet?

Always and forever Rachel Caine. I am slowly but surely collecting all of her books. Her writing style is amazing!

What would you like to see more of or less of in YA?

Love Triangles. Why do authors feel like their novel would be incomplete without one. I have read some epic tales sans love triangles!! *rant over*

And finally, who is your ultimate book crush? 

Michael Glass from the Morganville Vampires Series Rachel Caine :) He is a sexy bean, voice of reason, kind, caring and f*uck yeah!!!
 *wipes drool away...*

Thank you so much, Alex! It was quite fun getting to know you a bit better and another huge thank you for introducing me to a fair few other UK bloggers that I hadn't already been following!  Being a Psychology student myself, I don't find it boring AT ALL that you're studying psychology of volunteering for a mental health charity in your non-blogging time! I applaud you for that!

What do you think of Alex's interview?  Are you a fan of Rachel Caine and the Morganville Vampire series?  Would you like to be besties with Jem from the Infernal Devices?  Do you also have an interest in Psychology? Let us both know in comments!


  1. Aww, thank you for the mentions, Alex! I am so glad you started up a blog. Thanks for the great interview, both of you :) x

  2. ^ No problem missy ^

    Thank you for allowing me to take part of the interview :) it was a lot of fun! :) xxx

  3. I loved The Sky is Everywhere!


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