
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Happy 7th birthday E!

Dear E,

Happy birthday my beautiful little boy!  Every year around your birthday, I start having flashbacks of when you were a newborn, all tiny and helpless.  I remember how those overwhelming feelings I had after you were born - I loved you so immensely and wanted to protect you and have you near me forever. You taught me about the power of love and that I have an unlimited capacity for that love, which I never thought possible.

And thinking about all of that, I then look up and there you are.  7 years old.  You're so tall and clever and funny and gorgeous.  I look at you and I feel so proud. You've turned into this really thoughtful and kind little boy.  A little boy who plays gently with younger children, someone who gets on well with people of any age.  You're a delight to be around, always trying to make other people happy and to make them laugh. 

You try so hard at everything you do, you're so curious about the world around you and because of that you inspire me.  I want to show you the entire world and let you loose on learning everything that interests you - from space to animals, to trains to dinosaurs and languages and geography.  I love listening to your stories and jokes and the questions that you think to ask. 

I love your beautiful smile and your easy laughter, your kindness, your curiosity.  I'm so proud of you and I'm proud to be your mother. Happy 7th birthday, my gorgeous son.

Love always,

Your mom


  1. Aw happy birthday to E! I didn't realise it was the same day as my anniversary!

  2. Aww this was lovely, I hope you have a great day with your boy :)

  3. Happy Birthday E! I hope you had a wonderful day with lots of presents :o)

    That was a beautiful letter Clover, you should print a copy and add it to a memory box to give E when he's older - he's a lucky boy to have such a wonderful mum!

    1. It was a very Lego-filled birthday, he was thrilled! :)

      And thank you..!


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