
Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Santa, please bring me...

Ah, it's nearly Christmas!  How that's snuck up on us all, eh?  Thanks, as always to The Broke and the Bookish for this fun feature every week. This week's theme is those books we wouldn't mind Santa bringing for us...

I didn't think about this one very much, just chose ten books off my wishlist that have already been published.  The thing is, I rarely get any books for Christmas.  So I'm not very hopeful that I'll get any of these come the 25th of December...

My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick - I've been hearing such good things about this one.  It's contemporary and romantic and I really want to read it in time for my Love Month event in February. I think it'd be perfect.

Stealing Parker by Miranda Keneally - I really enjoyed Miranda Kenneally's previous book, Catching Jordan, and this one sounds quite cute as well.  Another book about girls and sports? Sign me up.

Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor - I was crazy in love with Daughter of Smoke and Bone and I was counting down the days until this book was published. ...And I still haven't gotten myself a copy! Boo, but I'm sure that when I do, I'll absolutely love it.

Maggot Moon by Sally Gardner - I don't normally feel disappointed that I don't review for a certain publisher, but I have to say, I'd love to review for Hot Keys Books. Mostly because I would have loved this one for review. Everything I've read about it (and admittedly it hasn't been much because I want to come to the story fresh) sounds wonderful.  I'm sure this one will be fab.

Arabesque by Colin Mulhern - There's always that concern that perhaps us as book bloggers aren't very effective in selling books, but without the reviews from trusted book bloggers, I might not have known about this book. I love the cover and the sound of this book.  It's been on my wish list for awhile!

Every Day by David Levithan - I've really enjoyed the books I've read by David Levithan so far. And this book is no exception.  It just sounds like such an interesting concept for a book - a boy who lives every day as a different person in a different life. I could get on board with this story pretty quickly!

Blood Keeper by Tessa Gratton - Blood Magic was one of my favourite books last year. I continued reading the book even though we had company over and it was one of the rudest things I've done in awhile. It was worth it, I loved every page of Blood Magic and I have high hopes for this the sequel, Blood Keeper!

Iron Legends by Julie Kagawa - I do so adore Julie Kagawa, but I haven't read any of the short stories that she's written for between the Iron Fey series.  I quite like that this collection was published with the stories all in one place. It'll be quite nice to dip back into this story and revisit some of my favourite characters.

Blankets by Craig Thompson - I don't read many graphic novels. In fact, I could probably count the number of graphic novels I have read on both hands. But even so, I'm always quite curious about them and would love to read more.  I've heard good things about this story and I'm intrigued...

Miracle by Elizabeth Scott - I've made no secret of the fact that Elizabeth Scott is one of my favourite ever authors! I really love the way she writes stories, whether it is a contemporary romance or something far more serious. I can't say that I know very much of the plot of Miracle, but I've read that is more  intense and emotional rather than light and romantic.

Which books are you hoping that Father Christmas will bring for you?


  1. Ooh wow! I hope you get the books you want from Santa ;)

    I really want to get My Life Next Door, Every Day and Days of Blood and Starlight!

    I bought Stealing Parker over the weekend and I'm really looking forward to reading it and Catching Jordan! :D

    1. Thanks :) I hope you get all the books you'd like for Christmas too and that you enjoy Stealing Parker!

  2. Yes, Maggot Moon is fab :)

  3. Ooh, I really want My Life Next Door and Every Day! My birthday is two weeks before Christmas, I've asked for book vouchers rather than books because I like being able to choose them for myself :)

    1. That's a really good idea! I hope you have an amazing birthday and Christmas :)

  4. Blimey, I've only heard of one of those! Hope you get some great books for Christmas, either way :)

  5. It makes me sad that you don't often get books for Christmas - I hope that changes this year! Every Day looks cool, may have to add that to my list (something tells me it could just keep on growing!).

    My TTT

    1. Isn't it tragic? *violin music*

      It's doubtful that it will change this year, but thanks for the positive thoughts!

  6. Great choices, The Iron Legends was really good!

    New follower

    Here's my TTT

  7. I have certain books I'll countdown to, then...not get the book. :D I think it has a lot to do with having to pay $25 (or more!) for the hardback.

    1. Oh I can definitely say that a lot of the books I have on my wishlist are there because I'm hoping someone *else* will buy them for me. Because I'm too cheap to buy the hardback :)

  8. I'd love to get my hands on Every Day! I've heard great things about it. I read Blood Magic earlier this year and enjoyed it, so I'm excited to read Blood Keeper too. Great list!

    My TTT

  9. Oh a great list Clover, I read My Life Next Door, Days of Blood and Starlight and Stealing Parker and absolutely loved them! I would love to get a copy of Miracle too! I hope you get some of these books for Christmas! :)

    1. I doubt that I will, but good to hear so many of them are worth waiting for :)

  10. I hope Santa brings you all of these but especially My Life Next Door and Days of Blood and Starlight because I loved them!

    1. I think those two are possibly the ones I'm looking forward to the most!

  11. Ooh great list! I haven't read any of these either, so perhaps I could put them on my list too ;)

    1. Just what you need, eh? More books to go on the wish list :)


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