
Friday, July 17, 2015

Andrew from The Pewter Wolf about #YALC

Andrew from The Pewter Wolf is here today, on the first day of YALC, to talk a little bit about his upcoming blogging workshop at YALC. If you see him, give him a hug and tell him he's going to do brilliantly!

This coming Sunday, I will be at YALC. For the first time. Am oddly excited over this. But, at the same time, I am quite worried over it.

My main reason is an odd one. Someone, I will be taking part in a panel about blogging. I, along with 5 other bloggers (Michelle from Tales of Yesterday, Laura from Sisterspooky, Lucy from LucyTheReader on youTube and Queen of Contemporary online, Vivienne from Serendipity Reviews and Jim from YA Yeah Yeah) will be doing panels, chatting about blogging and our love for YA.

For those of you curious, Michelle, Laura and myself will be the panel “Blogging 101” (Book Blogging for Beginners) on Sunday about half 12 to quarter past 1. And Lucy, Vivienne and Jim will be doing “Taking Your Blog To The Next Level” (I think i will be lurking in the crowd, taking mad notes) at half 1 till quarter past 2. Both events are hosted by Andy Robb.

Now, you must be thinking this is awesome. And it is. I am thrilled and honoured to be asked to talk about blogging and share my experience with the crazy blogosphere known as YA Book Blogging. This is a wonderful community to be part of and our love for reading and blogging is something we should be celebrating!

But, I’m a little scared. I have several reasons. Well, several small reasons which comes from public speaking (What if I freeze on stage? What if I vomit on stage? What if I say something stupid and very Andrew-like? What if I get banned from YALC for [insert stupid reason here]? What if what if what it?)

But my main reason for freaking out is this: I don’t know exactly what advice I’m going to give you guys who decide to come to the event.

I will give out advice and some funny one-liners, I hope. But I’m not sure what advice I will actually give you. When I started blogging, I made it up as I went along. Hell, until very recently, I never thought of myself as a book blogger! And Michelle broke the news to me a few weeks ago that, because I do videos for Bookish Brits, I am now a book vlogger as well.

When I started blogging, I would just type and hope for the best. I had no idea if anyone was reading my blog. I would tweet and chat about books but who, in their right mind, would read my blog?

I guess, because I never really thought about who my blog’s primary and secondary target audience were, I just did what I did. I had fun and tried to write something I would enjoy reading. And, somehow, that has worked. I’m here, about to do a panel and am trying very hard not to freak out or get stage freak (Laura and Michelle will have to give me hugs if things get too much…)

So, I just wanted to write this post to say thanks. And sorry in advance if my worse fear comes true and I vomit in my shoe.

But what the day represents - YALC and our love and passion for books - that is the most important thing. And I can’t wait to sit down with you guys (either one to one, in a big group or via the mighty Twitter) and get excited over that book. Yes, that book. You know the one I’m talking about…

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