Thursday, November 08, 2012

Read It First! Film adaptations coming to screens soon

Remember Hank Green's short-lived project, ReadIt1st?  I took the pledge, did you?  I was really looking forward to those newsletters that let me know which book-to-film adaptations would be coming soon so that I knew which books to read before heading off to the cinema... but it wasn't to be.

Which is disappointing because there are such a lot of interesting sounding film adaptations coming along in the next few months.  

Here are some of them:

Breaking Dawn Part 2

I have to admit, I haven't kept up with the Twilight films.  I haven't thought they were very good.  I'm sure I'll still watch them at some point, but not at the cinema!  At the moment, I think I've seen just the first two films.  I'm really quite curious about the birth scene in Part 1.  I thought the ending to Breaking Dawn was a bit anti-climatic, but it could still be interesting...

(I read it first)

Great Expectations

Great Expectations is one of the few books by Charles Dickens that I have read ... and I actually enjoy watching so many different versions of it, whether it be on television or film.  I'm sure that I'll end up seeing this and liking it very much.... (though, of course, I do find it a little strange that just this year there was a mini-series on television? and now a feature-length film?)

(I read it first)

The Hobbit

It has been a LONG time since I read The Hobbit. I'm hoping to read this book with the boys as part of our Family Book Club before we see the films.  We'll see how it goes.

E in particular is a bit keen on fantasy at the moment and wants to watch the Lord of the Rings films. I'm thinking they're a little bit much for a not yet 7 year old, but am I right in thinking that things are a bit tamer in The Hobbit?  Honestly, it's been DECADES since I read the book.

(I read it first)

Life of Pi

I read Life of Pi by Yann Martel pre-blogging and really loved it.  I think it will make for a strange film adaptation and already I'm feeling a little bit unsure about some of the graphics that I see in the trailer. Even so, I will certainly watch this film.  I urge you all to read the book though.  It's very unusual - with a beautiful beginning and a very surreal ending, but it's certainly a book that I'm glad to have read.

(I read it first)

Warm Bodies

Finally we get to several books that I haven't yet read!  I will definitely have to take the pledge more seriously and really plan on reading the book of Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion before I see this film.  And it really does look like a film to see at the cinema, maybe? 

 For something a little bit different, here is the trailer for the BOOK, not the film.  Having watched that book trailer, I'm convinced to read it. Are you?

(I need to read it first)

Cloud Atlas

Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell is just one of those books that I always meant to read. So many people I knew when I still worked in the bookstore read it and raved about it. I even have a copy of the book.  A copy that I've had on my shelves since the book first came out.  Still unread.  Maybe the release of the film adaptation will be the impetus that I need to finally pick the book up and actually read it.

I think what's always put me off are the very different stories that don't seem connected that intimidates me.  But writing this post and looking up the movie trailer for the first time and I find myself getting a little bit excited about the whole thing.

(I need to read it first)

The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald has to be one of those books that most people read in high school/secondary school, yes?  I know that I did.  Though I read it for fun because my high school English class wasn't covering it and I didn't want to feel left out. I can't say that it made much of an impact on me as a teenager. I've been considering reading it again as an adult to see if my views of the book have changed.

Perhaps I shall do it before I see this film adaptation next year.  I'm kind of intrigued by it.

(I read it first)

The Host

I've had a copy of The Host by Stephanie Meyer on my shelves unread since the book first came out!  I'm not entirely sure why I haven't yet, except the possibility that it might be confusing?  I'm not entirely sure.  I've never particularly been drawn to the concept of the book, but I have to say - the idea of a film version makes me a little interested again.

(I need to read it first)

World War Z

No trailer or official movie poster or anything yet. But this film adaptation of the book World War Z by Max Brooks is one I'm a little curious about.  I've been recommended to read World War Z by several people and have yet to do so.  The film is starring Brad Pitt and it's about zombies.  I like zombies.

(I need to read it first)

City of Bones

And of course, we must ALL be getting a little bit excited about the City of Bones film adaptation, yes?  I know I am.  I'm loving the stills coming out of the filming.  I have read the first three books in the Mortal Instruments series and will possibly start reading the 4th and 5th books in the upcoming months if only to stave off my anticipation for this film.

(I read it first)

There are plenty of other books, including a great deal of young adult books, which have been optioned for films or are in pre-production that I'm excited for.  The top of that list include: The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness, Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, Divergent by Veronica Roth, Delirium and Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver and Wake by Lisa McMann. 

What book to film adaptation are you most looking forward to? Will you be reading the book first?


  1. Ah, this is an awesome post, my dear. I really need to read Cloud Atlas and Life of Pi before I see the films, both of which I think look amazing!x

    1. Thanks Carly! I hope you enjoy both. Cloud Atlas reaaaaally intimidates me, but I love the trailer and I've had the book on my shelves unread for YEARS which is just ridiculous. I've just got to hop to it already.

  2. I can't wait for Divergent! Love that series so far and am looking forward to the movie!!

  3. I haven't enjoyed the Twilight films much but am hoping to watch Breaking Dawn Part 2 as I hear it has a different ending!

    I'm about to start reading Great Expectations for school and have watched a TV adaption so am looking forward to that!

    I also can't wait for the Beautiful Creatures film! I loved the book and am wondering how such a great book will be captured.

    1. I've only seen the first two films so far (and wasn't too impressed!) but I'm hearing good things about the new ending of Breaking Dawn!

      I hope you like Great Expectations. It really is the only Charles Dickens book that I've managed to finish.

      Should I read Beautiful Creatures?! I keep going back and forth about it.

  4. I'm *really* looking forward to seeing Breaking Dawn Part 2. I've seen all of them so far, and have read most of the books as well.I thoroughly enjoyed reading all of The Hunger Games and then comparing it to the film. I've also read Insurgent and Divergent - I wasn't aware they were being made into films, so looking forward to those now!! I've also read Snow White and the Huntsman and then went to see the film...must admit I swoon at remembering THe Huntsman in the film ;)) I'd like to read & watch Beautiful Darkness, that looks great as well :)

    1. I'm really not sure if I want to commit to reading the Beautiful Creatures series .. but it looks as though I might just have to. I'm so curious about it!

  5. I'm really looking forward to Delirium and Insurgent, but also others like The Book Thief and Insignia. I have a list of 35 upcoming ones on my computer so I might have to do a post too!

    1. ooh, I'd really look forward to your post about upcoming film adaptations! :)

  6. I've read Warm Bodies a while back. Don't be scared to read it it's actually a really sweet book. It's not very thick you could get it done it a day no problem. Alot of it is the characters internal thoughts but is NOT as dry as the trailer made it out to be!

    1. Thank you for that recommendation, I shall certainly be looking for it when I'm at the library next :)

  7. I have had my copy of Cloud Atlas for years but have yet to actually read it! I think the film coming out might just force my hand :)

  8. I didn't know about The Host becoming a movie! Haven't actually read it but it sounds awesome and The Host looks awesome too!

    1. I haven't read it either, but might have to change that before the movie comes out!


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