Friday, April 05, 2013

What I'll be reading over the school holidays

I hope you are all have had a wonderful Easter and everything.  The children have been off school since last Thursday and we have the rest of this week and the following to keep them busy and occupied.  Every time the school holidays come along, I plan a pile of books that I'd like to get through. 

I usually go for longer titles, so that I really dig deep into them and feel like I'm really involved into a story, a world, the characters.  I always go with books I've been excited to read, usually books that I think will illicit strong responses - either through humour, heartbreak or whatever.  I usually also go for books that haven't sent for review, so there is little pressure in the back of my mind about reviewing them and keeping in mind certain points to include in my review.  This year, however, two of these books are for review. 

And I thought today, I might share this year's Easter holiday reading pile with you ...

From What I Remember by Stacy Kramer and Valerie Thomas - I've heard nothing but wonderful things about this book. I read it's funny and crazy and hugely entertaining. 

Beauty Queens by Libba Bray - I do so love Libba Bray, and I want to read more by her.  This one is about beauty queens stranded on an island together, Lord of the Flies style, and I couldn't be more thrilled to read it!

Slated by Teri Terry - I feel pretty bad, because I'm sure this book was on last year's Easter holiday reading pile and I still haven't gotten around to it! This year, we have the added bonus of knowing that the sequel is already published and available!

A Face Like Glass by Frances Hardinge - I had this book checked out of my local library when a kindly publicist sent over the pretty paperback for me for review.  Again, with the high praise I've been hearing. 

The City's Son by Tom Pollock - I'm ridiculously excited to read this book!  Ever since it was published (last year?) I've been dying to get my hands on a copy. Luckily for me, I know some lovely and generous book bloggers, one of whom kindly donated this to me recently. I've been saving it for a special occasion, and I think this is it!

Please do let me know in comments if you've read any of these books or share with me what you'll be reading!


  1. Ooooh these all look fab enjoy :) I really want to read A Face Like Glass and Beauty Queens :D

    1. I can't decide which to read first between A Face Like Glass and The City's Son, but oh I'm terribly excited to read all of them :)

  2. Same here! I got Slated aaaages ago and I still haven't read it. Let's hope we can both pick it up soon! :)

    1. Oh I really hope next week is the week that I finally get around to reading (and hopefully loving Slated!) Good luck to you!

  3. I bought From What I Remember a while back, but am saving it for my holidays, as it looks really cute! Beauty queens is also on my TBR list. I loved Slated, but thought the ending was very frustrating, so possibly one to read with the sequel?

    1. From What I Remember just seems a perfect holiday read!

      Unfortunately I don't have a copy of the sequel to Slated. I didn't want to buy it before I knew how much/if I'd like Slated. Thanks for the warning about cliffhanger ending though! :)

  4. Enjoy your reads! I've had Beauty Queen's on my pile for ages and really want to read it this summer. I'm reading Fractured the sequel to Slated right now and really enjoying it! Really hope you get around to all of these :)

    1. Thanks, Jess! Actually, the Easter holidays are very nearly finished and I managed to read ... none of these! Reading slumps are the worst. *sigh*

  5. Nice selection! I've heard great things about From What I Remember, too - found it in Smiths in buy one, get one half price thing, but had to stop myself from buying it. Might go back and get now anyway!

    1. Do it! Based on other bloggers reviews, I'd say it'd be worth it :)

  6. I read From What I Remember recently and it was a lot of fun. I have had The City's Son for ages and you remind me how much I want to read it. Beauty Queens also looks ace. Enjoy!

    1. I think Libba Bray is just ace in general, I'm not sure she'd steer me wrong. And yes, The City's Son! Must read soon.

  7. You're in for such a treat with Beauty Queens and From What I Remember! Enjoy :)

    1. Thanks, Sophie! I was hoping that by posting this I would get all excited to read these books and it would kick my reading slump in the bottom. Didn't quite work out like that, but hopefully soon...

  8. I found City's Son really atmospheric and haunting. And I've been meaning to read Slated for ages as well! :-)

  9. From What I Remember is so much fun! I really enjoyed it! I haven't read any of the others on the list, though Beauty Queens is on my TBR because I've heard so many good things about it! Slated too :)

    1. Yes! I'm hoping that all of my other responsibilities disappear soon so I can just laze about reading these awesome books soon.


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