Thursday, December 05, 2019


There have been a lot of changes in my life recently.  A lot of changes.  I was having dinner with an old friend lately who asked me about one particular change: the (in)activity on this blog.  She asked why I thought I'd stopped blogging? 

I hadn't given it much thought but within seconds I gave her my honest answer 'Grief.' Grief has really hampered my creativity and I found it quite surprising that it's had the lasting impact that it has.  I've faced loss recently and I'm a different person than I was before. 

But it isn't the only reason.  I think some of the reason is that life moves on and I have too.  I'm in a different job than I was when I was a regular blogger here, I'm studying at an evening course for the second academic year in a row, my kids are growing up and ... I'm not reading as much.  All this other stuff has taken up so much time that I now find it more difficult to sit down and write. 

And I think part of my problem was that I was so focused on what I used to write about. I was so focused on getting back to how I used to write that I lost sight of everything else I could be writing about if I gave it some proper thought.  Like my new career, my new life experiences, my new interests that I've taken on.  Which doesn't replace my interest in books, not at all.  But it gives my life meaning in a way that books and book blogging used to give me. 

So perhaps in the New Year, if anyone is still interested (and even if you aren't!) I'll be making some changes around here.  I don't want to define those changes too narrowly but I am excited.  I hope you are too.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow, blogger liked my comment so much it posted it twice - what? I made a mistake and posted it twice? What absolute nonsense is this you are telling me? I will have you know I am never wrong...well, sometimes, but hey look over there..
    *runs away and hides behind the sofa.*

    Bloody typos.


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