...but I can't really share it, because I can't figure out how the scanner works, and thus cannot yet post my gorgeous scan photo of my new baby. So until I can, I won't answer those much-loved questions 'is it a boy? is it a girl?' So no asking as it will be futile. Both grandparents know, and so does my brother. N's sister is still in hospital with no change. But best of all, Elliot knows what the sex of the new baby is, and when asked 'are you going to be a great big brother?' he replied with a very firm 'NO!' I guess only time will tell.
Tomorrow, my lovely new bookcases arrive. Tomorrow means 3 days until my dad arrives. Tomorrow means 7 days until Elliot's second birthday party. Tomorrow means 8 days until a major ... as yet unmentioned event taking place in my life. Full explanations and questions answered soon. And I'm sorry I haven't yet managed a belly shot. Would you believe me if I promised one for this weekend? No? I wouldn't either.
wow... lots of excitement in your home!