1. Any Way You Want Me by Lucy Diamond - over at Caroline Smailes's blog, there is a giveaway for the latest Lucy Diamond novel. Haven't read anything of Lucy Diamond's, thought I'd give her a try.
2. Stig of the Dump by Clive King - Here's the thing. I really feel like doing this 'project' where I reread some of my favourites books from when I was a child. I was thinking maybe only two a month, but at the same time, I'd like to read some books that I missed, or wished I'd read as a child and read those as well. Including this one.
3. Tom's Midnight Garden by Philippa Pearce And this one.
4. A Gathering Light by Jennifer Donnelly - a friend recommended this to me. I'd seen it around a lot, have heard good things about it. But because of the murder aspect of it I always thought it wouldn't be my thing. Whenever I try things that I think 'aren't really my thing' I usually end up really enjoying it.
5. Touching Earth Lightly by Margo Lanagan - written by the author of Tender Morsels which I keep hearing about lately.
6. Evernight by Claudia Gray - this is one where I've heard absolutely terrible things about so I picked this up in order to form my own opinion.
7. Dancing Backwards by Salley Vickers - Whim.
8. Peter Pan by JM Barrie It turns out, I have never read this book. I thought I had, but I have not. This would be included in my children's book project. Need to think of something better to call it.
9. The House of Special Purpose by John Boyne - author of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
10. The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling Picked up for children's reading.
Leftover loot from last week:
Love, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli
Three Men In A Boat by Jerome K. Jerome
And because I always mean to show the books Oldest has picked up, and rarely do:
You're All My Favourites by Sam McBratney Curious George Visits a Toy Shop by Margaret and HA Rey I Know a Rhino by Charles Fuge Monkey and Me by Emily Gravett
I also had some time to trawl around some charity shops and picked up these books at quite the bargain:
The Gathering by Anne Enright The Night Watch by Sarah Waters Anybody Out There by Marian Keyes Rhett Butler's People by Donald McCraig
What's come into your house recently?
Ooh, The Night Watch and The gathering - lucky finds! I loved those books.
ReplyDeleteI do love the library :D
ReplyDeleteHappy reading to you
You did really well with your finds. I love going to the charity shops, as I find it amazing the books that end up in there. I refuse to buy anymore Richard and Judy books full price as they are always guaranteed to end up in the charity shops. I loved Stig of the Dump when I was a kid. We had it as a TV programme too - did you get that where you lived?
ReplyDeleteJust to let you know the book arrived this morning. Thank you ever so much.
I like Elliot's choice of the Curious George book. :)
ReplyDeleteAs for yours, I've only heard of a few of them, but the ones of which I've heard: The Gathering, Peter Pan and The Jungle Book, I've heard are good, although I have never read any of them.
Thank you for the prod.
ReplyDeleteRecently I bought the new Jenni Mills book (cos I loved her first one), other than that not a lot. Need to go to the library myself!
Kate - I've never heard of Jenni Mills!
ReplyDeletejustareadingfool - He checked it out on my firm recommendation. I love those books as well! Not feeling particularly excited to read my books at the moment though :(
Vivienne - I already emailed you, but it seemed wrong to not respond here as well!
Bloduedd - Libraries are the best!
verity - I'm looking forward to them. Though, as I've pointed out, I don't make reading books I own a priority!
You found some good books at the library! I checked out Evernight from the library once myself but had to return it unread :)
ReplyDeletesamantha - I did start Evernight but cringed through the first few pages before it was abandoned. I don't think I'll make it through much more!
ReplyDeleteNightwatch and Marian Keyes are the ones that interest me. I haven't read Nightwatch, but I love Marian Keyes writing, especially that book!
ReplyDeleteThanks for playing along with Library Loot!
Marg - I tried reading Night Watch recently, knew I'd like it, but wasn't right timing. Also, love Marian Keyes. Definately looking forward to both of them!!