Under the Duvet (with the fab subtitle of: Notes on High Heels, Movie Deals, Wagon Wheels, Shoes, Reviews, Having the Blues, Builders, Babies, Families and other Calamities!) was published roughly ten years ago and though some bits felt slightly dated (her pieces on seeing in the millenium for instance) all were written with such humour and charm. Everything Marian writes feels spot-on. I giggled my way through this one, much to my husband's horror, as I was curled up under the duvet. She writes about her life, her friends, her family, holidays, Christmas parties, her love of shoes, buying a house, learning to drive, and marriage. The essay that stood out the most for me though is her piece about her alcoholism. It's honest and touching and I'd have read the book for that essay alone. I'm eagerly anticipating her follow-up, Further Under the Duvet.
Other opinions:
Reading Adventures
Read for: 100+ reading challenge, Women Unbound reading challenge
I'm going to have to read this one too.