Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What to do during a reading slump

I don't know about you, but I often go through reading slumps. They come on for very different reasons - this latest bout was helped by illness and other things going on in my life right now. As a book blogger, I begin to feel guilty and a little pressurised sometimes to stay on top of my review piles and soldier on through slumps. It rarely works.

So intstead, here are some other things that I do in order to make it through a reading slump:

Organise my books -

I love organising things, and especially if I'm not reading, I still love being around books. In a reading slump where I'm not reading anything at all, I still like to split my books up into different categories for when I am more excited to read. I'll think up themed weeks/months and pile books accordingly. Or I'll organise books differently on my shelves. Currently my bookshelves (which were once alphabetical by author) are now piled into genres. Contemporary, paranormal, fantasy etc. I have a large pile of dystopian/post-apocalyptic/zombie books that almost make me excited to read again!

Catch up on reviews/blog posts -

Unfortunately for me, this latest slump includes both my enthusiasm for reading as well as for blogging. So I haven't been doing much of either lately. But usually a reading slump gives me a bit of extra time during the day to write blog posts or catch up on my reviews. At the moment, I'm currently 23 reviews behind and counting. I really hope that this goes away soon. Even though I'm not writing very many blog posts currently, I am always planning. I write blog post ideas and also some suggestions and notes on different things in my blogging notebook so that they are there ready and waiting for me when I feel more up to it.

Watch TV programmes -

This is how I've spent most of time over the last few weeks. I find myself with lots of extra time now that I'm not doing as much reading or blog writing. Which is a fantastic way to rewatch some old favourite TV shows as well as discover new programmes.

Alias - This is a programme that I've been dying to rewatch. I think I've only seen it the once and it was awhile back, so I'm thrilled to get back into it. I mentioned watching Alias on Twitter and how much Sydney Bristow is still my hero and I ended up with lots of people sharing the Alias love. I'm now 3/4 of the way through the first series and have so much still ahead of me!

Roswell - After comments on a recent post of minr (Favourite TV couples for my Love month event), I decided to start watching Roswell from the beginning. It's just as wonderful and angsty and emotional as I remember it when I first started watching it as a teenager. I still heart Max Evans.

Homeland - Just started watching this series after hearing good things about it from the States. Only three episodes in so far. It seems like a show with a bit of a shaky start, but I'm still committed enough to seeing where things will lead.

One Tree Hill - The new series is showing and I have to say, I really enjoy it. There are some seriously ridiculous storylines (Mouth's weight gain in particular) but I really love the addition of Dan Scott and also Chris Keller back into regular cast members. They make things interesting again.

And finally, when I've worked my way out of this slump, and do start reading again, I have to remember to go easy on myself. Don't put any pressure to read a certain amount or read specific books. I usually go for smaller books, so that when I finish them quickly I have an easy sense of accomplishment. Another helpful tip is reading books that I wouldn't normally or reading in different formats. There was a breakthrough a few weeks ago, when I managed to power through 5-6 e-books, which is a format I don't normally read.

Do you have any tips on surviving and getting through a reading/blogging slump?


  1. Sorry to hear you are in a slump. I hope it gets better soon. Gotta love Roswell!

  2. This is such a brilliant post, and I love the way you illustrated it. I hope you're back in the reading flow soon, but enjoy yourself whether you are or not!

    1. I will do! There's absolutely no pressure at the moment to do anything, and I like that. If I'm honest, I continually ask myself if I still want to take part in book blogging...

  3. I love this post, taking a break and doing someting else normally sorts out my reading / blogging slumps (like you've suggested!).

    I hope your reading slump dissapears soon!

    1. I'm sorry to hear that you go through slumps like mine as well! I do hope that taking my mind off of it with other things improves things soon :)

  4. HI Michele - I've been in an on and off blogging slump for a while. Reviewing and me, very slow these days. I feel badly, and like you I get lots of ideas for what to blog about....and then when I sit down, i can't think of anything! part of it is because I'm going through so much personal stuff that it's hard to be 'on' for blogging, sometimes. My blog is important to me, so I am making an effort to blog more often, though I try not to compare what I do with anyone else, any more.

    I love how you rearrange your books, and watch your favourite tv shows! I have a friend who sent me Alias to try, I never saw it the first time around.

    1. Oh it can definitely be hard not to compare yourself to others. For me, it's never been about anyone else, I just have high expectations for myself :)

      But yes, you should definitely should watch Alias, fab show!

  5. Max Evans <3. You know how I feel, lol. When I'm in a reading slump I tend to pick up a non-review contemp novel to read purely for fun. Or watch TV shows or write or malt jewellery or become addicted to eBay. Or cut my hair. I always cut my hair when I'm in a reading slump. Basically, I bum around.x

    1. That sounds pretty awesome, actually! I wish I were creative enough to write or make jewellery. ...I only cut my hair once a year! :)

      But yes, Max Evans makes things a bit better!

  6. Great post. My favourite occupation during a reading slump is tv, I've caught up with some great series when I haven't been able to read. I love your shelf rearranging idea, that pile of dystopia/post-apocalyptic/zombie books sounds awesome!

    1. I feel really out of practive with the tv-watching. Some days I hardly remember to turn the thing on at all!

      I'm looking forward to that pile too. It's mostly for Dystopian August which I've taken part in the last two years!

  7. Thanks for this post! It was fun to read! :) I don't really go through reading slumps...But I LOVE organising my books! At the moment, I just have ones that look pretty together, but in the past I've had alphabetical order, size and colour. They're due for a change soon I think ;)

    1. I've done size before as well, but never colour! It's an interesting idea...

  8. I hope you come out of your slump soon! I love your blog so I love it when theres new posts but I understand completely how hard it can get sometimes!
    Thankfully I've never really hit a reading slump but if I do I try and pick up small books that are easy to get through or books I've read before to get me back in the mood! :D

    1. Oh you're so lucky to not have to deal with regular slumps like me :) Rereading is always a firm favourite for me as well.


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