Saturday, November 24, 2012

Cicely from Cicely Loves Books (Celebrating British Bloggers)

It's Saturday, so you know what that means? Time to bring you another interview with a brilliant British blogger. Today it is the lovely Cicely from Cicely Loves Books!

I do adore the reviews that Cicely writes. She has a way of writing her blog that really draws me in and I love that about her blog!

Follow Cicely at Cicely Loves Books and also on Twitter!

First, can you tell me something about yourself and your blog?

Hello, I'm Cicely from Cicely Loves Books, where I, well, review books (it's all in the name).

How did you begin being a book blogger?

I started being a book blogger over two years ago now (crazy stuff) when I started reading other people's book blogs. I'd read their reviews and think, well I could do this! So I did. It's not really a great story, but whatever. I should probably think of something more elaborate to tell people.

When you're not reading or blogging, what do you do with yourself?

Well, I just started my first year in 6th form, so I'm spending a lot of time getting used to that and doing homework *groans*. Um, I also watch a lot of TV shows and films obsessively, so if your not seeing a lot of me, I'm, I'm probably just having a Doctor Who marathon while writing History essays. Yup, I know. Exciting times!

What was the first book you reviewed on your blog?

The first book I ever reviewed on my blog was Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare, and it was pretty dire. The review, that is. Not the book.

What has been the best experience of being a book blogger so far?

This is going to sound so cheesy, but just getting to be a part of the wonderful UK book blogger community, and to get to meet people who are like me. It's just awesome, and I hope I'll get to be a part of it for a long time yet.

You can do it, what is your absolute favourite book?

Gah, what evil question is this?! I can't pick a favourite! It's basically impossible! Out of the books I've read in the past couple of weeks, probably Maggot Moon by Sally Gardner, but I really can't choose.

If you could be best friends with any fictional character, who would you choose?

If I could be best friends with any fictional character, it'd probably be Evie from Paranormalcy, or maybe Willow from Buffy, or maybe Aziraphale from Good Omens. No reason in particular, they just seem like cool people to hang out with...

Name your top 5 UK book bloggers!

Don't make me do this! I don't want people to hate me for picking and choosing! But if I have to, then probably:
Kirsty from The Overflowing Library (I have no idea how she reads that many books and has the time to write enough reviews to post one everyday. She's amazing.)

Raimy from Readaraptor (I just really love Raimy's blog. Plus dinosaurs.)

Bella from Cheezyfeet Books (She's awesome, and I love getting to see her at events and stuff. It's really great to have book bloggers that are the same age as me, so I don't always feel left out at events or feel like the youngest one. Her blog is also really great, and it's always fun when people come up to her and ask if she's Cheezyfeet)

Stacey from Pretty Books (I really like her blog too, plus her Tumblr is really cool and I really like the variety of books that she's reviewed. I like that she reviews the classics that she reads, because it gives me more confidence about posting reviews for books that aren't YA and feel like my opinion is still of some worth about it, I guess?)

Iffath from Painting With Words (I don't know where my life would be if I didn't have her to talk to on Twitter all the time. It sucks that I've only met up with her once IRL because she's one of my favourite people.)

Honorary mention: Everyone. I hate picking favourites!

If you could meet your favourite author, who would you like to meet?

Um, probably John Green. I know that I should probably pick a UK author, considering the theme, but luckily I've already met a lot of them, and I have a lot more chance to meet them than I do American authors. So yeah, John Green. Or maybe Neil Gaiman. Though I've no idea what I'd say to either.

What would you like to see more of or less of in YA?

More horror and UK contemp, and less dystopia. I've never really been a huge fan of it, and none of those that I've seen really look that different from others that I've heard of, so something new please! Then again, I don't really know what's trending at the minute. I've not really been keeping up with the US releases lately! Oh, and more mystery! Like, proper whoddunit types. I would LOVE that.

And finally, who is your ultimate book crush? 

You ask some very, very tricky questions. I'm going to go with either Cricket from Lola and the Boy Next Door, or Oscar from Emma Hearts LA, because I love nerdy boys infinitely more than broody boys. But to each their own!

Ooh, Cicely, you get a high five for nerdy boys! I'm with you there! Thank you so much for taking part in this with me, it's been fun!  I could definitely see the cool factor in hanging out with Evie/Willow/Buffy! And I'd fangirl over Neil Gaiman anyday! 

Everyone, don't forget to visit Cicely Loves Books!

But for now, what do you think of Cicely's answers?  Do you prefer nerdy boys or broody boys?  Would you like to meet John Green?  Have you and LOVED Maggot Moon?  Let us both know in comments!


  1. Thanks for the mention Cicely :D Ooo Maggot Moon is one I'll be reading soon. I hope I love it just as much! I never thought I'd say it but I feel a need for less dystopia too. It's getting hard to find the REALLY good ones now. I'd personally LOVE more mystery.

  2. Great interview! I agree that I would love more UK contemp.

  3. new follower as lucyatmax/no pic...enjoyed the interview with Cicely! But loved the name of your blog and had to check it out! I can be found and followed at .
    Nice meeting you!
    Beth :D

  4. Great interview Cicely (and stupid question but is that Hogwarts in the picture behind you? I'm going to the HP exhibition in January and can't wait!)
    I would definitely like to see more mystery in YA books, the ones I have read have been fab.
    (P.S I prefer nerdy boys too!)

  5. Clockwork Angel...I still haven't read that, LOL.

    HORROR HORROR YES. I love horror, and I really need somebody to write a YA one. That would actually be the BEST thing evar. Mystery, too :)

    Also, I don't know where the hell *my* life would be without you! *blushes* ugh, it makes me SO SAD to think we've only met once IRL. Deffo when John Green comes to visit us :))


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