Sunday, November 04, 2012

Love letter to libraries and librarians

I've written about it before, but I think it's worth repeating: I love libraries.  I remember as a very small child, my dad took me to the local library to get my first library card.  I was ecstatic.  I loved the idea of having access to so many different new stories and worlds.  I remember choosing The Secret Garden and Black Beauty and Alice in Wonderland from the library, and loving them so much I begged my dad to buy me my own actual copies.  I've had a library card every single day since then and each card has been well-used and well-loved. 

I love books and libraries and especially librarians.  I've had some good ones growing up.  I remember one of the middle schools I attended tried to encourage 'jobs' for the children, and I signed up as a library assistant and worked quite closely with the librarian there in order to think of different events and things to do for the library to be more of a welcoming and interesting place. 

I worked with my high school librarian as well.  She gave the most wonderful recommendations.  Through her recommendations, I was introduced to two of my favourite authors: Jane Austen and Isabel Allende.  But what's better, is that she listened to my recommendations as well.  And based on the books I was picking up to read, she ordered in other books on self-harm, female genital mutilation and human rights! 

I was never the most popular girl in school.  In fact, I was picked on in many different schools I attended.  When I left high school completely and started taking classes with a local community college, I started to feel a bit anxious and started having panic attacks quite badly.  I had no concept of seeing a medical professional to treat these panic attacks (it never occurred to me) so I did the only thing I could think of, which was to head to the place I felt most comfortable in the entire world - the library. For me, there's just something very soothing about the library. Being within the library allowed me to breathe again.

As I'm now an adult with two small children, I love the library in a different way. It's no longer the place I go for recommendations for myself, but for my boys. I've had the librarians there help me to find books about King Arthur and Atlantis for E.  I love how friendly and helpful everyone is there.  E recently won a competition the library was holding and won a wonderful goody bag filled with stickers and activity sheets.  Every time my boys and I go to the library, we come home with new books and smiles on our faces. 

I was recently lurking on Twitter and 'overheard' a conversation between two people about libraries.  One was saying that their family had a Library Night in which they went to the library in the evening when the library was open later.  I read that and thought how brilliant is that?  I love sharing the love of libraries and books with my children and I think Library Night is just the thing we should adopt. 

Do you love libraries?  Are they your happy place like they are for me? 


  1. I love libraries! There's just something so... Magical about them!

    I start my new job as a part time Librarian tomorrow and I am uber excited! I did a week of work experience and it was wonderful and amazing and I can't wait to help others enjoy the library as much as I do! :D


    1. Libraries are magical! Good luck on your new job, I'm sure you'll do great :)

  2. Lovely post! I love libraries and make sure that I go every week in term time.

    I must spend a lot of time every week, trying to find books!

    1. Every week, that's dedication :) I think we'll try for every other week...

  3. I LOVE libraries! Unfortunately, I live in the middle of nowhere (well not really, but I'm close enough!), and the nearest library to me is half an hour away, so I don't get to go very much :( But when I do, I make sure to spend as long as I can in there and pick up as many books as possible!

    1. Aww, what a shame there isn't some place more local for you!

  4. I love libraries, I definitely agree with you! When I am there, I feel so comfortable and at home, no one to disturb me and all the problems just fade away :) It is also an amazing chance to get free books, I have about 10 on my bookshelf that I will give back eventually when I read them, but it is great to not pay anything at all if I don't lke it. Since I have a child's library card I don't have to pay if it is overdue, hehe ;) Lovely post!

  5. I love this post!
    I've always been a heavy library user and I can't see it changing any time soon. In fact, I tend to ignore the books I already own as I can't resist the call of the library :)

    1. Oh, see I'd love to read primarily library books again. Unfortunately the state of my TBR pile is immense and that isn't always possible. But I do love having a good browse and picking up little surprises now and again!

  6. I adore libraries too and make sure I become a member of our local one where ever we've lived. It makes me very sad when I see that they're on the decline in a lot or areas - use it, don't lose it, people!

  7. I always feel at home in libraries. If only I read fast enough to visit one every week!

    1. Or if only I had fewer books on my TBR pile and had more time to read library books.. :)


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