Saturday, September 05, 2015

British Books Challenge - Link Your September Reviews

Once again, I'm a little bit late to the game in getting up the September link-up page up! Sorry for that.  But thank you so much, all of you still participating for your continued interest and enthusiasm for this challenge. I really appreciate it and it makes my heart happy that so many reviews are linked each and every month. Just to let you know, I am amassing many signed UKYA books for the end of the year prize giveaway! Keep your eyes peeled for that.

The prize for August was three books from my own collection. I've randomly selected a winner...

Chrissi from Chrissi Reads

Congrats, Chrissi. Do send me an email or DM on Twitter with your postal address and I'll get those out to you as soon as possible! 

September's prize pack will be hosted by Walker Books! Lovely Sean has offered the winner of September's prize pack copies of The Next Together by Lauren James, Drop by Katie Everson, Remix by Non Pratt and Hell and High Water by Tanya Landman! Amazing prize, thank you Sean and Walker Books! 

Important Information:

  • Please make sure you sign up for the challenge before you start linking your reviews, I will delete links from people who aren't registered. You can sign up HERE if you haven't already.
  • When you add your link to the Mr. Linky below please make sure you link directly to your review, not just to your blog (invalid links will be deleted)
  • Books must have been read in 2015 to count towards the challenge so those books you read in December but reviewed in January don't count!
  • Also, please make sure that the reviews you link are for books written by British Authors - they can be born in Britain (living here or abroad) or they can be adopted British Authors (who were born elsewhere and now live here) but if they don't fit into one of those categories then they don't count. (as above invalid links will be deleted and won't get you an entry into the prize pack). Please note that Britain includes England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, I'm afraid authors from Southern Ireland don't count.
  • If you need ideas for books by British Authors check out the FAQ page for lots of suggestions. You don't have to choose books from these lists though - they are just to give you ideas if you need help!

Link Your Reviews:

Now for the important part, make sure you link all of your reviews using the Mr. Linky form below. In the Your Name field please include your blog name, the title of the book and the author. Make sure the link takes me directly to your review or your entry won't count and will be deleted from the list.

For example: The Next Together by Lauren James (Fluttering Butterflies)


  1. Oops! I forgot to leave my blog name on my Issy Bradley post. Sorry about that! Thanks once more for hosting this Michelle! (Chrissi Reads)


HI! Thank you for leaving a comment, you've just become my new best friend :)