Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Everything that made me smile today:

Oldest slept in until 7:30 today even after getting disturbed sometime around 5 o'clock.

The chcocolate chip cinnamon buns we ate for breakfast.

I managed to have a nice long conversation with a friend from toddler group who had her son the day after Littlest.

Also started up several conversations with other mothers at toddler group (something which I'm usually too shy to do! go me!)

Both boys took their naps at the same time this afternoon which meant I could sleep for a whole hour!

In fact, Littlest managed 4 hours between feeds, a first for him.

The postman delivered a big box of books from Amazon today.

Five Life are finally showing the last few episodes of Dawson's Creek... the only series of Dawson's Creek I have yet to own on DVD, so it was nice to see them again.

Oldest's sentences are coming along really nicely and he really impresses me with the length and detail he uses in his sentences.

Terry's Chocolate orange segments, which I didn't realise I had in the cupboard.

Free phone calls to America and talking to my dad for as long as I like.

The fact that the weather turned from torrential downpour to it being lovely and sunny out.

Comfy yoga pants.


  1. comfy yoga pants and a big box of books from Amazon would do it for me!

  2. Ahhhhh. Wonderful. It's nice to count your blessings -- something I need to do more often.

  3. oh comfy yoga pants sound great. and a 1 hour nap to go along with them...oh heaven.


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