Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Wedding anniversary

Today is my 8th wedding anniversary! Happy anniversary N!

N doesn't like having his photo shown, so here is a photo of me on our wedding day, 8 years ago... It's been the best 8 years of my life and today especially, I feel incredibly lucky.


  1. Happy Anniversary!! I can't believe you have been married and over sea's for 8 years now! Congrats and I hope you have many many more years of a happiness!!

  2. 8 years! how amazing! well done and many congratulations to both of you!

  3. Happy Anniversary Michelle!

  4. I apologize for being late (my google reader is crazy!), but happy anni--you look beautiful.

  5. Thank you all! We managed to go out for dinner without the kids for only the second time this year. It was magical!


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