Saturday, August 21, 2010

In my mailbox 8

Here are the books thatI picked up in the last week. Sorry that photo is the worst in the world. I am no photographer! As always IMM is hosted by The Story Siren, check her out!

Candor by Pam Bachorz
The Double Life of Cassiel Roadnight by Jenny Valentine
Fade by Lisa McMann

Yay for these books. I was so excited to get started, that I've already finished Candor. Expect my review very soon. Jenny Valentine is just one of those authors for me, I cannot wait.

Swapped for:
The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan

I've been waiting for this one for awhile! It's been difficult finding books to swap with at my local place, maybe I'll have to look for alternate ways to swap books. Any other UK book bloggers interested? Send me an email, we can swap lists and wishlists if you'd like :)

UK ARC tour:
Matched by Ally Condie ( sadly not pictured as its no longer in my possession)

UK book tours have started, and I was lucky enough to recieve Matched first! It was amazing. You can read my review if you like.

Won in a giveaway:
The Midnight Charter by David Whitley
The Children of the Lost by David Whitley

Thank you very much to Splendibird at The Mountains of Instead and Penguin for these!

Yay for birthdays:
Watership Down by Richard Adams

A very kind friend gave me this wonderful hardback book of Watership Down (his favourite book) for my birthday. It was unexpected and really nice of him. I don't think he reads my blog, but thank you, S!

From the library:
Withering Tights by Louise Rennison (also not pictured)

Everytime I walk into the library these days, I leave with less and less. It's a little disturbing. But I have to balance that statement out by saying that after I've finished the book I'm reading, I will have read 100 of my OWN books this year.

So that is it for me this week. Have you read any of these books? What came into your house this week?


  1. I'm a big fan of Jenny Valentine's books so can't wait to read The Double Life of Cassiel Roadnight - let us know what you think. I need to read Candor too :) Great books!

  2. MOre fantastic books. I just cant keep up with you, lol.
    Plus I cant afford to buy new books :( Never mind thank god for libraries :D

  3. I was really impressed with Jenny Valentine's story in Losing It so I'm really interested in reading on of her novels, and The Double Life of Cassiel Roadnight is definitely on my wishlist.

  4. Withering Tights and Candor are both amazing. And Jenny Valentine always delivers, though I haven't read this one yet!

  5. I can't wait for matched to get to me! I don't know how far I am down the list.

    fab books


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