I'm not sure why I picked up Candyfloss. I don't normally read Jacqueline Wilson's books as they're sooooo filled with issues and everytime I read one of her books, I get a little depressed thinking children should not be facing these problems, there should definately not be so many depressing books written for children. And despite the pretty and upbeat cover - Candyfloss is no different. I was absolutely DOWN reading about Floss, right from the beginning. Floss's relationships with her best friend and her new extended family were depressing. The situation Floss is in deciding between her parents, Floss getting picked on in school - oh god, how did I manage to finish this book. Yes, there were uplifting parts (and I did like Floss's father), and I'm sure not everyone who's read it will have my same reaction, but how could you not? Maybe this book was just a little too young for me to enjoy it anyway, and I won't make the same mistake again.
I always love The Princess Diaries. I'd been waiting for this one for absolutely ages, and it's no disappointment - I read it one day. I did think it was a very busy book though, with a ton going on. I'd have liked more of a reminder of why we all love Michael so much, because there wasn't enough Michael in the story for me. I was very much loving The Guy Who Hates It When They Put Corn in the Chili (it's so much more fun to call him that than 'JP')though, and of course Grandmere.
For a second I thought you were talking about real candy floss (yummy). I never liked depressing books when I was a kid, the fanasty adventure the better. I really like Meg Cabot but I have to admit I've only read the first Princess Diaries.