Friday, May 16, 2014

The Toolbox Book Tag

The Toolbox Book Tag is an original tag that I created as part of the collab channel I'm in, Bookish Brits.The idea is to answer a series of questions based around a particular theme and share them on booktube or your blog!  Looks fun, right?

If you're reading this now, perhaps you'd like to take part?  Just answer the questions below:

1) Hammer - Book you were forced to read

2) Screwdriver - Book with a twisty-turny plot

3) Saw - Book with a relationship that sawed your heart in half

4) Tape measure - Largest book you own

5) Wrench - Author who writes the most heart-wrenching stories

6) Pliers - Name a book you wouldn't let go of for anything

7) Chisel - Book you weren't keen on in the beginning but one you ended up loving

8) Tag other people to join the fun!

I tag YOU!

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